Stir fry, a traditional but yet very versatile dish. Stir fry can be cooked in many different ways using different meats, vegetables , and sauces. The stir fry that we cooked today, was filled with colorful vegetables and chicken cooked in a sweet and salty brown sauce.
Before we started cooking, we had a quick introduction and went over basic safety in the kitchen as well as knife safety and technique. Chef Jessica and April showed us how to properly hold a knife and demonstrated various types of cuts that they use in the kitchen. After this, each of us grabbed a vegetable as well as a knife and a cutting board and started prepping the vegetables for the stir fry. We each cut a few different vegetables and got to use some of the different cuts that the chefs showed us.
Once we had finished cutting and prepping all of the vegetables, we moved onto the meat. For this stir fry we used chicken so we had to be careful not to contaminate the other ingredients and utensils with raw chicken. We started by cutting each chicken breast in half so each of us would have a cut. We butterflied the chicken to learn the technique but diced the chicken instead. Next, we cooked the chicken. Once it was done cooking, we threw it into a wok with our vegetables and added the sauce that we made.
After all of this our stir fry was ready to be eaten! Each one of us made separate stir fries so each one was a little different but everybody enjoyed the process of cooking and eating the dish.
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